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Published 01/10/2022

Adding a Printer

A pre-set printer can be added by selecting the “Create” button when in the Assets tab. From here you can select from a wide range of printer manufacturers and models. Once you have selected a printer, you will be presented with more options to further configure your printer. You may add any custom start/end gcode that you use. At the moment we have limited options for layer height and nozzle sizes. More to coming soon!

A custom printer can be configured by selecting the “Create” button when in the Assets tab. From here click the “Don’t see your printer manufacturer?”. This will bring you to a configuration wizard where you can edit aspects of your printer like bed size, drive style, firmware, etc.

Adding a Material

A pre-set material can be added by selecting the “Create” button when in the Assets tab. From here you can select from a wide range of material manufacturers and variants. Once you have selected a material, you will be presented with more options to further configure your material such as a color, name and purchase date.

A custom material can be configured by selecting the “Create” button when in the Assets tab. From here click the “Don’t see your material manufacturer?”. This will bring you to a configuration wizard where you can edit aspects of your material like diameter, print temperatures, etc.

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