Desktop User Cartoon

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To go through our calibration process or view sessions please visit our website on a desktop or laptop computer.



Published 01/10/2022

What nozzle size can be used?

Right now we can only use 0.4mm nozzles with 0.2mm layer height. We will be adding all nozzle sizes and layer thickness soon!

What printers and materials can be used?

We have a limited selection of printers and materials already configured in our database that include most from Creality, Prusa, Artillery. We will begin to add to this database depending on need. You are also able to configure a new or custom printer or material.

What slicer do I need?

At the moment we are only using Cura 4.8.0 or newer. We will have calibration processes catered to most popular slicers including Prusa Slicer and Simplify 3D in the future. However, our calibration results generally carry over to other slicers well.

What quality issues can we fix?

We are able to eliminate stringing, under-extrusion, and some surface quality issues. We have more calibration modules planned--let us know what you want to see!

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