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To go through our calibration process or view sessions please visit our website on a desktop or laptop computer.


Getting Started

Published 01/10/2022

1) Setup printer and material

All of your calibrations are linked to your digital "Assets." An Asset being a printer or material. You must add or configure at least one printer and one material before beginning a calibration.
For more information of Assets, please visit the Assets page in the Help Center.

2) Setup Cura

Be sure you are using Cura 4.8.0 or newer. Navigate to the settings in Cura and uncheck the option to “Automatically drop all models to build plate” and select “Always open as project” under “Default behavior when opening a project file”.

3) Create an inTinker Session

Navigate to the Sessions Tab and click “Create” to begin a new calibration session. Select a printer and material from the assets you have already configured. These will be the assets you will calibrate this session.
To learn more about Sessions, please visit the Sessions page in the help center.

4) Calibration Session

A) Download the .3mf supplied and open it in Cura. The calibration part, with pre-loaded settings, will automatically load. After the slicing is completed, print the part.
To learn more about .3mf file, please visit the 3MF Consortium website for more information.

If you have any problems opening the file in Cura, please visit the Trouble Shooting article in the Help Center.

B) After the part has printed, it’s time to score the part quality. Use the arrows on either side to match the part on the screen to the printed part. If your printed part has a quality score between two pictures, you can enter a decimal value with higher resolution. Using the decimal values will increase the accuracy of the scoring and thus lead to quicker solutions to problems.
For more info on scoring please visit the Scoring page in the Help Center.

For more information about scoring, please visit the Scoring article in the Help Center

5) Finishing the Calibration Session

Once you have selected high quality scores for all the errors, inTinker will automatically redirect you to the export page. From here you can manually copy these settings into Cura. We are currently working on a system to export a printing profile based on these settings.

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